24 July 2006

Starved for Entertainment?

Is there really nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon than watch as someone commits several crimes on live TV? Are we so starved for something to watch that we will get in our cars and stop traffic in order to see a woman at gun-point drive a semi down the highway? Have we lost our minds to the point that we will hold up a sign that reads "Keep on Truckin" and cheer when a fugitive from the law rides by?

I am certainly glad that I didn't find out about the car-jacking/truck-jacking/hostage-taking incident until it had safely concluded. I must say that I was (and still am) appalled at the number of people who left their homes to see the hijacked semi drive down I-20. Honestly, I think that anyone who stopped what they were doing (be that watching TV or driving along the highway) in order to cheer on the stolen semi should be arrested for failure to render aid.

This incident was neither funny nor worthy of cheer.


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