27 September 2007

Priesthood of All Believers

Another musing from Walk #31...

God calls all believers into ministry in the Christian church. God - thru our baptism - equips us to carry out the mission of the church along with all other believers. God callas all to serve in the body of Christ. In addition, God places a special call on some believers to be set apart for service leading the church as pastors, but all have a calling to love and serve the body.

"Priesthood" is not a special occupation reserved only for a select few...it is a calling to be Christ to anyone and everyone you meet. The "priesthood" is for everyone. We have been gifted uniquely to serve the kingdom in ways that no one else can - so the Church needs you! Each of us needs to serve Christ in the ways we have been equipped and not leave the work of the church to the paid professionals. If all churches operated under that [paid people do all the work] model, there would be far fewer churches, far more burnt out pastors, and far less impact in the world.

The simple fact is that preachers/pastors/priests can not do everything - they must train their congregations to serve, take on leadership, and give of themselves. The church must do their best to focus on Christ and be the body of Christ in the world.

How are you expressing your priesthood right now? Who sees Christ in your life? How are you living our your calling?


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