I wanted to share a few key insights from the book that may change how I approach leading this congregation through the next 18-24 months:
- there are two wildcards at play in the world today that make it difficult for churches to be successful while maintaining a status quo operational strategy: the cultural wildcard and the financial wildcard
- strategic dreaming trumps strategic planning during hard times
- there are ministries that should be cut during tough times (office personnel, missions, youth, non-essential ministries, money in the bank)
- there are ministries that should be allocated more financial resources during tough times (worship, children, evangelism, marketing, continuing ed, volunteer ministries, small groups, spiritual formation)
- hard times are the times to return to the basics - "sheep have a habit of getting so involved in feeding themselves that they munch along for hours without ever looking up to see where they are....Many Christians do the same. We munch our way so far from our roots that we don't realize how far we have removed ourselves from what we once were and what once made us great. Our greatness is only a memory." (pg 18)
- "Without Jesus Christ, our congregations are nothing more than clubs on the lookout for just enough new dues-paying members to support their programs and keep their buildings open....Sadly, far too many churches actually organize themselves around this loss of passion for Jesus. Instead of organizing to spread the Gospel, they organize to run the institution." (pg 21)
- cancel all the committee meetings you can for the next six months and see what happens
- "If you have any money saved up for a raining day, let us remind you lest you hadn't noticed. It's raining." (pg 29)
- in hard times, churches need to be led with quick and decisive action, flexibility, intuition, and self-regulation
- all of this (reading the book, making strategic budget cuts, etc.) is worthless if there is unresolved conflict within the church
I have already given copies of this book to our Finance Chair, our Business Administrator, and our Director of Discipleship. If you would like a copy of this book, email me and I'll get it to you.