25 August 2005

interesting conversation

yesterday at lunch we talked about tattoos, body piercings, and other random stuff, but the conversation on tattoos got me thinking and that led me to ask deb about her thoughts on the subject. well, after a fairly intense discussion about the "pros" and cons of getting one, having one, and what-we-would-do-if-our-child-came-home-with-one, we were exhausted and tired.

so i thought i would open the floor to discuss this highly-charged issue...what do you think about tattoos? should christians have tattoos? if you were a parent, what would you do if you child came home with one? is there such a thing as an "appropriate tattoo"?

i have an opinion on the matter, but i want to hear what the rest of you think before i expound on the issue (you might be surprised at my opinion). i will join the convo in the comment section when asked.



Ms. Worley said...

I don't know that there's anything inherently wrong with tattoos, although I will agree with the previous comment about the stereotypes that go along with having tattoos. For me personally, I wouldn't get one because there's very little that I care enough about to have permanently emblazoned on my skin. And even in the case of the things I do care about that much, design-wise, I don't know that I could live with a particular size or shape or color or whatever of cross or fish or music note for the rest of my life.

Rev_DeanL said...

Thanks for your comments.

Nat - stereotypes are generally wrong across the board, not just with this issue. And I wouldn't want anyone to get a tattoo that was obscene.

Terri - the permanance of a tattoo is a turn-off for me too. I mean really, what can I care about sooo much that I am willing to say that same message the same way for the next 80 years?

David - you are definitely more forgiving than some parents. There would be harsh punishments for any child of mine that came home with a tattoo (tho, that does not disuade me from continuing to love them).

Generally, if someone already has a tattoo, I will not condemn them for having done so, but I will never advise someone to go out and get one because I feel that our bodies are gifts from God and we should respect the forms that He has given us. I think this also translates into taking care of our selves physically (i.e. exercising/weight management).

Any other comments/viewpoints?

Ms. Worley said...

I think my Dad (and as I result, I feel the same way... behold the power of a father) would agree with your assessment of our bodies being a gift requiring the utmost respect, and tattoos being in conflict with a lifestyle of respect for your body. My dad extended this belief to piercings of all kinds... which meant I was the only girl I knew in high school without pierced ears. I eventually got them pierced on my 18th birthday, and after calling Dad in advance as a courtesy call/request for blessing, his response was "if that's the kind of person you want to be..." heh. My older brother got grounded for wearing a magnetic earring in high school... I'm pretty sure tattoos are decidedly frowned upon in my family.

tonymyles said...

Tattoos are evil.

(Actually, I don't believe that but I think in our society you will rarely find someone to say that - even if they actually believe it)