18 May 2009

Thoughts on the Worship Surveys

It's official! I completed my analysis of the Sound Vows Surveys this afternoon.

I must say that I was surprised by a few things:
  1. the relatively low view (3.51/5) of an increased amount of time for people to talk to each other before worship
  2. the number of married people (9/44, or 20.5%) who indicated a series on marriage had little to no application (N/A, 1, or 2) to their life
  3. the number of people in worship (13/63, or 20.6%) who wanted to take less time to prepare our hearts for prayer during worship
Now, I know I asked for the feedback, so I shouldn't be upset when someone launches a missive at me or the way we plan worship at University, but my pride took a hit reading the responses. I also discovered that I did not communicate well about the reasons behind the choices made for worship during the series. I apologize for that - that is poor leadership on my part.

Overall, the results were positive. I will need to do some more reflection, prayer, and discernment about how we can incorporate this feedback into future message series here at University.

More later!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dean,
Considering that 79.5% of the surveys indicated that the series on communication was meaningful to them, and also that 79.5% like our prayerful preparation for worship, it seems to me that is pretty positive feedback. Hang in there and thank you for all your preparation and study for that series.

Debbie Crutcher

Rev_DeanL said...

Thank you for putting a positive spin on the data (don't statistics have a funny way of going which ever way we want them to?).

The referenced 20.5% of respondents were only those who were married AND rated "Application of Series" with a 2, 1, or N/A.

There were a fair number of single, divorced, and/or widowed persons who indicated a low applicability to their lives.

But who's counting, right?