27 September 2007


This past weekend I had the privilege to serve on the clergy team for Denton Area Emmaus Walk #31. Each Walk has the same structure and format, but each one is unique due to the personalities of each team and the pilgrims who attend.

The weekend kicked off with a talk from my friend Ted on "Priorities" and I was moved by what he shared and how he spoke from the heart about the need to constantly align ourselves with God. I wrote these thoughts in response to his talk.

The things that capture our time are the things that are our priorities in our life. It can be good or it can be destructive. It can be positive or it can be negative. Either way it shapes us and makes us who we are.

We can set our own priorities or they can be set for us - by external circumstances. When we call the shots we control who we spend time with, what we spend our time doing, or where we spend our time. When we allow others to set our priorities we are pushed, pulled, stretched, and shoved in directions that others would have us go.

In the Christian life, our priority must be God. It can't be spouse or job or kids or money. Those are good priorities in and of themselves, but contextually, they must be placed behind God in order for our lives to be fully what God has called our lives to be.

I love my wife and daughter. I love my ministry. I love myself. I love what I do on a daily basis because I know God has called me to where I am. However, I must love God and prioritize him over all those things/people to fully realize my calling - because I can do no less than that and stand shameless before my Creator in the fullness of time.

What are your priorities? What do you spend your time doing? Where and on what do you spend your money? What or who has your attention? Spend some time reflecting on where your priorities are so that you can prioritize God to the first place in your life.


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