20 October 2007

Fun Times with the Staff

Can I just say that I love spending time with our staff in non-church settings?! We just finished about three hours of Taboo and Catch Phrase downstairs in the hotel lobby. We were laughing, talking loudly, and enjoying each other's company tremendously. I am not sure if it was the wine/wine coolers that made the conversations flow so well, but it seemed like that our tongues got looser and freer as the evening wore on. No one got hammered, but we were laughing at some crazy things that came out of ALL of our mouths as we tried to get our teams to guess the word on the card. It was hilarious!

I think that if non-Christians could see us having fun, making jokes, and laughing with one another on a regular basis, maybe they wouldn't think that Christians are uptight and boring - because tonight was anything but boring or uptight. It seems to me that as long as Christians continue to be known for what they are against (and not what they are for), we will lose ground to other alternatives on Sunday morning (warm bed, football game pre-show, breakfast at Denny's, whatever). As long as outsiders continue to think we are irrelevant and disconnected from the realities and struggles of daily living, they will not darken our doorsteps to hear the message of Jesus - because they don't want to be fuddy-duddies who don't know how to have a good time and laugh at the ridiculous things that people say under the pressure of trying to make 6 of your friends say a word printed on the card in front of you.

I am glad that I work with a team that knows how to laugh at life, laugh at themselves, and laugh at me. I wouldn't have it any other way!


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