27 July 2005

the news these days

have you noticed that the "top stories" on the news each day all involve someone dying, someone missing, or someone being tragically injured? i was getting ready for work this morning and had the channel 4 on, and when they were rattling off the top stories, each of them had somebody who wound up dead - whether that was thru a car-jacking, bombs in iraq, bombs in london, or highway accidents. it was utterly depressing!

it makes me sad to think that humanity has screwed up so badly that the only things that appeal to our senses anymore are images of death and destruction. i admit that i occasionally "rubber-neck" at a car wreck, but for the most part, i try not to stare b/c i know that i wouldn't want to be stared at if i were in their shoes. i know that sin is a constant problem that humans must deal with, but it irks me that we are subjected to the vilest displays of sin in the media each day - as if our own struggles with sin were not enough to deal with!

personally, i am glad that jesus shed his blood for me on the cross, so that i do not have to pay the penalty for my sins, but i wish there was a way for christians every where to translate that gospel to a hurt, broken, and dying world that would end the downward spiral of violence and hate. it seems that current methods of evangelism/church growth are not adequately meeting the needs of the emerging generation.

we need a new way to be christ to the ppl in our world who need to know christ!


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