28 July 2005

prayer for kelley

today i visited kelley mcdonald in the hospital and i just wanted to encourage all of you to keep her in your prayer this week. she was admitted yesterday, but the drs still don't know what's wrong with her.

her mom is with her and is keeping updates flowing as things happen, but please just stop and say a prayer for her when you get a chance.

gracious God, your hands are powerful and they bring healing. please pour out your healing presence upon kelley and her family right now...let them know that your love is showering upon them and that they are being lifted up to you as they search for answers...and God i pray that you annoint the hands of the drs, nurses, and hospital staff that will be working to find out what is wrong with kelley...may they draw upon your strength to find the answer to what is making kelley sick...we pray this in jesus' name...amen!


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