28 March 2007

Wives: The Voice of God

Have you ever wondered why it is often difficult to hear from God in a real and tangible way? Perhaps it is because you are not listening to your wife. (If you are a woman, then please note that this post will likely boost your ego and solidify the case you've been arguing with your husband.)

Last night Deb and I had a great conversation surrounding our answers to one question posed by my Lay Ministry Committee: "What are the three biggest things you (Dean) need to work on in order to feel ready to handle your own church?"

Our answers were at opposite ends of the spectrum - or should I say opposite heights of the atmosphere. My answers were very "task-oriented" and focused more on skills and experiences I need to have before feeling comfortable as the solo pastor in a church.

1) Learn more about the high-level committees in the UM system (SPRC, Trustees, and Finance)
2) Get more preaching experience
3) Work on the social skill of small talk - both on the phone and in person

Debbie's answers were more at the "30,000 foot" level and focused more on leadership and vision casting.

1) More consistently think "big picture" and how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together in the church (from worship to preaching to education to missions, etc.)
2) Be fully convinced of the vision God has given me for the church (thus being able to clearly communicate that vision to others)
3) Practice financial acumen in all areas of my life by making wise spending choices (personally and in the church)

See the difference! What an amazing wife God has blessed me with! I have lots of work to do!! I think she correctly identified my weaknesses in leadership. I think I have potential to succeed in those areas and be a real leader, but it will take focused energy and constant work to make it happen.

For those of you who are pastors: How would you answer the question posed by my Lay Ministry Committee? How would your spouse answer? Give it a try and see what happens!

Jesus, you provided me with a wonderful partner for my life and I thank you for her. She challenges and stretches me each day, and I love her for that. Help me to return the favor with some high-level thinking. Amen.


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