02 January 2011

90 Days Through the New Testament

Welcome to "90 Days Through the New Testament"!

I hope that you enjoy your TIME reading the New Testament and joining the discussion over the next three months.

I will be posting my thoughts on each day's scripture reading here and on University UMC's Facebook page. I invite you to comment with your questions, thoughts, prayers, and concerns as we journey together.

As you consider joining the online discussion, please keep these things in mind:
1) as each of us brings a different set of lenses with which we read scripture through, there will be different opinions about what a passage means - this is just fine
2) when said differences arise, please remember that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ as you respond to the various discussion threads
3) invite your friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. to join us on this journey

Once I figure out how to post the .pdf of the entire reading list, I'll let you know. Until then, pay attention to the study guide of each Sunday's bulletin for the next seven days of readings. If you must have it sooner - just send an email to pastor (at) uumcwf (dot) org.

Blessings for the journey!

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