08 November 2005

Fusion Reflections, part 2

3) I am called to help the laity find their passions
Part of what my calling entails making "a commitment to lead the whole Church in loving service to humankind" (Book of Discipline, para. 304.1e). That "loving service" includes making sure that the people I minister directly to are able to minister to others in ways that they are passionate about. If I don't make the effort to align people's passions with their ministry opportunities, I am doing a disservice to my congregation. This area of my calling is one I always need to cover in prayer, because I am not always aware of where my people's passions lie.

4) Prayer stations are easier and more impacting than I had originally thought
experiential prayer is possible and needed in my life. After going through the Dokime at Fusion+Dallas, I see how simple acts of reflection can make for great prayer time. Also, spending an hour in a room with pillows on the floor, candles around the room, and prayer requests written in Sharpie on the walls is an hour well-spent. I hope to incorporate some of the tools I used at Fusion to make a difference in the ministry I do at Trietsch.

and finally...
5) Dan Kimball is a down-to-earth, funny, and challenging preacher/speaker. I appreciated his thoughts on emerging culture and the emerging church. I pray that when our emerging worship gathering launches, we can be faithful to the task of engaging the emerging generations in our gatherings, not just offering another place for Christians to hang out.

Grace & Peace

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